North Sydney Physiotherapy

How to cancel, 
move, reschedule or change your appointment

Patients are responsible for their own appointments bookings, including cancellations, rescheduling / appointment changes online via cliniko


patients that they are responsible for managing their own appointment bookings, cancellations, rescheduling, and changes.  In the spirit of fairness and consistency for all our clients, old and new, we stick to this policy across the board, no exception


To move/ reschedule an appointment you will need to cancel your current appointment first, then rebook another.

To cancel your appointment go to your Appointment Confirmation email (not the Appointment Reminder email) and click on the underlined cancel appointment circled in red. See image below:
Cancel, move or change appointment


To ensure your appointment is uninterrupted, Function & Form utilize a comprehensive Online Booking Service.  Being unable to guarantee a 24/7, immediate and timely response, and to remain consistent, we not except emails and phone calls in regards to bookings.


Through our Online Booking portal, patients enjoy the convenience of canceling, rescheduling, or moving their appointments up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. However, please note that after this window, the online booking system does not permit changes, and a 'cancellation fee' equivalent to the cost of the booked appointment will be incurred.


This information is indicated in 3 places: 
1. Top of the Initial Booking page
2. Bottom of the final Booking page, and is accepted with a check box.
3. The Confirmation Email sent with every appointment .
How to book
How to add your details
Cancel, move or change appointment


If you have cancelled with more than 24 hours notice any prepaid fees will be held in credit for a period of 3 months.