North Sydney Physiotherapy

Primary Protein Source :

Spinach, Tomato and Fetta Omelette Recipe




2 egg 2 Egg Whites 2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill pepper to taste 1/2 cup loosely packed, thinly sliced fresh spinach 1 roma tomato, chopped 2 tablespoons grated 25% reduced-fat Fetta cheese


Whisk the egg and egg whites, 1 teaspoon water, dill and pepper in a medium bowl until soft peaks form. Toss the spinach, tomato and Fetta in a small bowl. Lightly coat a small nonstick frying pan with nonstick cooking spray and set over medium heat for 1 minute. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and cook until the eggs begin to set on the bottom. Lift up the edge of eggs with a spatula, pushing the cooked part towards the centre of the pan and letting the uncooked portion run underneath. Cook until the eggs are almost set and the bottom is just lightly browned. Spread the spinach filling over half the omelette, leaving a 1 cm border and reserving 1 tablespoon of the mixture for the garnish. Lift up the omelette at the edge nearest the handle and fold in half, slightly off-centre, so the filling just peeks out. Cook for 2 minutes. Slide the omelette onto a plate and garnish with the reserved filling. Serve at once.

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