North Sydney Physiotherapy

Primary Protein Source :

Slow Cooker Meatballs Recipe




4 tbsps Dry Oats 1 tbsps Rapeseed Oil 1 Onion 2 medium Carrots, raw 2 Fresh Celery Sticks 2 cloves Garlic, raw 2 tbsps, Parsley, fresh 400 g, Lean Turkey Mince Pinch of paprika 1 clove Garlic, raw Olive Oil Spray 500 gram, Tomatoes - Crushed, canned


Heat the slow cooker. Heat the oil in a non stick pan and add the onion, carrots, celery and garlic and fry gently for a minute. Pour in the passata, add the parsley and stir, then transfer the lot to the slow cooker. To make the meatballs, tip the mince into a large bowl. Add the oats, paprika, garlic and plenty of black pepper, and mix everything together with your hands. Divide the mixture into 20 lumps about the size of a walnut and roll each piece into a meatball. Spray or run a non-stick pan with a little oil and gently cook the meatballs until they start to brown. Add them to the tomato base and cook on Low for 5 hours. Serve over rice or pasta if you like, or with a green salad.
Meatballs Macros

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